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Why do watch ads always show 10:10 time?

This is an icon for a post date11-11-2011 This is an icon for a categoryWatch Facts
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Have you ever noticed that most brand watches in advertisements show the time as 10:10? While it may seem like a random choice, there are actually some good reasons for it.

Firstly, the 10:10 position is aesthetically pleasing. The hands are symmetrical and create a pleasing visual balance on the watch face. Our brains tend to appreciate symmetry and orderliness, so it’s no surprise that many watchmakers opt for this position in their ads.

Secondly, at 10:10, the key details on the watch face remain visible. The company logo is usually found under the 12, and sometimes next to the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. With the hands set at 10:10, the logo is nicely framed and easy to read.

Finally, the 10:10 hands look “happy” due to their resemblance to a smile or the “V” shape often associated with victory. This subconsciously reinforces positive feelings about the brand and the watch itself.

So next time you see a watch ad with the time set at 10:10, you’ll know that it’s not just a coincidence – it’s a deliberate choice made for both functional and aesthetic reasons.